Liv McGregor

Bachelor of Arts (Photography)

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This series of self-portraits considers my relationship with desire and a constant underlying aspiration to be desirable. The images feature myself as a character who explores the performative nature of an innate need to try and define myself in a specific and highly subjective image in order to appear a certain way to oneself and others. Constructed Cravings is a response to external and internal pressures associated with self-worth and success. The pause of lockdown caused a reflection on my current and future desires, and creating the images was a process of examining all of these aspects of my own identity.

Are the things I thought I wanted truly my own desires, or are they a product of what I have been taught to associate with self-value and fulfilment?

This series flirts with the authenticity of doing something purely for yourself or being motivated by appeasement and acceptance in the eyes of others, questioning the genuineness of the character's actions and also my own.

My daughter and I don’t eat carbs anymore, 2021

pigment print  

594 x 420 mm

You don’t watch porn, do you?, 2021  

pigment print  

594 x 420 mm

Take his name or keep your father’s, 2021

pigment print  

594 x 420 mm

But I thought you loved kids?, 2021  

pigment print  

594 x 420 mm

Mother knows best, 2021  

pigment print  

594 x 420mm

Skin care is self care, 2021  

pigment print  

594 x 420mm