
Bachelor of Arts (Photography)

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The passage of linear time always makes me feel helpless. Food rots, flowers wither and people’s emotional connections fade or deteriorate over time. Photographs are like a preservative; they have the ability to preserve time. In still life photography, images record the very moment of something from an objective point of view. People use photography, painting and other forms of art to record still lifes, as if these art forms would give fruit and vegetables an infinite life. But even the preservative has an expiration date. Film fades, paintings dry and other art forms can be forgotten. Is there really a thing that can last forever? Human life is short so in our finite lives we constantly push ourselves toward one life goal after another. We have no time to think about whether we’ve met the right person, or whether we’re in the right place. In a finite amount of time, we are born, we bond, we multiply and we die. You and I are the mayflies of this world.

mayfly, 2021  

archival pigment prints  

483 x 329 mm