Tianyou Yan

Master of Arts - Art in Public Space

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My project is presented as three series of works to demonstrate the rapid urbanization of Shanghai. This project aims to showcase my observations of the impact of human activities on animal communities in urban environments. The current rate of urbanization poses a major threat to biodiversity. This project would explore how arts can draw attention to the imbalance in the relationship between humans and non-humans in our city. Through the project, I observed the living habits of stray cats in the community of Shanghai and the migratory birds in a wetland on the edge of the city. I recorded a series of outdoor experiments, attempted to find a harmonious balance and create a response in each site through my artworks. I would like to invite people to engage with the nature and re-examine the relationship between humans and natural environments. And think about the possibility of human science and technology provides for the active development of biodiversity in the process of urbanization.

Living in Our City, 2021


1000 X 500 mm each

In the Mirror, 2021

acrylic mirror, photography and video

Construct a Nest, 2021

oil paper

280 x 280 x 80 mm