Kexin Shi

Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art)

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Kexin Shi is a ceramicist who began her ceramic studies at RMIT University Melbourne. She returned to China in 2020 and completed her degree from there. Returning home, she began to investigate the historical and cultural significance of her hometown of Quanzhou. Kexin Shi began working with the important regional clay, Dehua, which is a porcelain of unique whiteness due it its high-quality kaolin. Quanzhou presents her interpretation of Quanzhou’s connection to the Silk Road during the Song and Yuan Dynasties. The installation work consists of sixteen Dehua porcelain tiles arranged in a grid installation that floats above the floor. A range of ceramic decorative techniques depict pictorial elements associated with Quanzhou's open, diverse and inclusive marine civilisation and urban spirit during the Song and Yuan Dynasties where multinational cultures merged.

QUANZHOU, 2021  

Dehua porcelain, iron rods, Slab built, sgraffito, inlay, decals, stoneware glaze  

700 x 500 x 300 mm