Kate Weeks

Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art)

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My practice involves making figurative ceramic sculptures and vessels laden with detailed narratives of my lived experience of Glasgow in the 1970s and 1980s. This era is rich in political and social history. I combine these lived memories with song lyrics of the time to make critical and satirical comments on past and current social issues. Historical and current issues sit side by side as narratives in my sculptures. In this work I draw similarities between Brexit and Thatcherite Britain. Using inspiration from revered Scottish band, The Proclaimers, I constructed a ceramic installation which addresses the plight of the Scottish people in regard to the British government. Scotland's youth are portrayed as a unified group of individuals who are negatively impacted by those in power. The past informing the present. Have we progressed since the Thatcherite years in the 1980s? I think not.

Pure Dead Brilliant, 2021  

stoneware, glaze  

500 x 320 x 320 mm

Cap in Hand, 2021  

stoneware, warm sculptural clay, glaze  

700 x 1000 x 500 mm

Boris and Maggie, 2021  

stoneware, glaze  

250 x 100 x 50mm

Pure Dead Brilliant, 2021  

Stoneware, glaze  

500 x 320 x 320 mm