Ilayda Hurdal

Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art)

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My Name Is Ilayda and I enjoy creating prints that have photographic elements. My work always has elements of nature. In the past I strongly focused on family history but I have taken a turn and now focus on looking into what nature has to offer; more than just the simple things.

My works are photographically-based etchings with dry point. I work intuitively so I can fulfil the true meaning of my work. I have recently taken interest in representing the dreamscapes that nature holds and the transcendence between the real and the non-physical. In my most recent series, Another World, I wanted to represent an altered reality that is represented in our environments which we do not take notice of and show the different dimensions that we could be living in. By altering my prints and achieving a surreal image of the photograph, I am able to represent the transcendence of the physical work and the spiritual world. I aim to bring more appreciation to the world around us.

Another World, 2021  

etching, soft ground, aquatint and dry point

dimensions variable