Tamar Chaya Gordon

Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art)

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It is they, who is i, who is Tamar
Opening up to the mystery of dare I say, G-D  
Within and without of Tamar 
                                      Grappling in repetition,
                                               in composting of material, 
                                                                    archiving for meaning to emerge from itself 
I feel a presence within the yellow scented gumtrees,  
the light catchers of the city  
God is nomadic presence, a wondering presence
within and without of Tamar

Tamar Chaya
Constantly making, and unmaking  
God as possible, to impossible
To G-d as possible  
I’ll be here
Tamar will hold you  
As ritual, will hold you

Tamar, they seem to be a nomad of religion  
A nomad of deep, expanded hybridity  
Stretched without boundaries,  
and reaching within no limits
I know no limits
They are a back and forth of  
I situate within rage
And without love
Within tenderness
And without frustration, pain  

Who writes this  
Myself, tamar,  
them, me
I know no boundaries  
I know no limits  

TAMAR 2.  

I hear you thus you seem to glimmer in the
in between of love and frustration
Reckoning and abomination 
In celebration and suppression 
Within presence, within absence
Without identity, within danger

What you feel about Tamar,
subtly resides in you 
How you see her, 
is how you see you

I would like to show you my hoarding, so you can think through a layer of yourself
I would like to tell you that i am grappling
I would like to tell you that i wonder who is making this work, so that you can wonder how you don’t even know who you are,
and so that you know, life is uncontrollable forces bounding through you

Falling apart, collapsing within the past, collapsing without
discarding nothing

A fracture point,
they tether all that ruptures,

Tamar Chaya, 2021  


1188 x 841 mm

mirror work, 2021



character study under prayer shawl, 2021  


disentangling within, and without, 2021  

sewn found material, acrylic paint, bleach, photographic screen-print, spray paint  

1188 x 840 mm

it will hold, Tamar, 2021  

acrylic paint, oil paint on canvas, prayer shawl

1188 x 841 mm

Call Me up to the Mechitzah (partition), 2021

mixed media installation  

dimensions variable

Call Me up to the Mechitzah (partition), 2021

material, wood, plush toy

dimensions variable

Call Me up to the Mechitzah (partition), 2021

mixed media installation

dimensions variable  
