Sickly and Nauseous

Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art)

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'Sickly and Nauseous' is a collective of three fem-presenting individuals who have embarked on a spatial exploration of how a neurodiverse existence feels from the perspective of three individuals who are all neurodivergent.

Neurodiversity is often presented as a state experienced in isolation. We began this collaboration as a way to develop a synergetic art-making process that gives the audience an embodied multi-sensorial experience from our neurodivergent perspective. Through this hybrid melange of drawing, the ready-made, soft sculpture and installation this project will see painting transcend its two-dimensional limitations, much as this collaboration subverts the traditional understanding of what neurodiversity looks like outside of the cis-male body.

Through each other we have found community and validation. Art is an impulse that comes before spoken language, a response that feels most natural. This immersive work will create a sensory environment experienced by us, the neurodivergent artists, as comfortable and organised. Our non-neurodivergent audience may experience it differently. Fully living in our neurodiversity and bringing it to the forefront of our lives is the single most important act of resistance we can enact. In previous stages of our lives we have felt misplaced, but now coming together we have found community and created our own sanctuary. This is the contribution we are making through our art, building the spaces that fit us comfortably.

Sickly and Nauseous lens, 2021  

mixed media with perspex lens

dimensions variable

@hollygoodridgeart, @gross.martini, @josephine.aart