Shauna Henshall

Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art)

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My work seeks to represent an ongoing, intimate observation of the Australian landscape as a non-linear portrayal of the multitude of similarities, contrasts, connections and processes within. Utilising a type of aesthetic weaving, the boundaries between form and ground are ambiguously intertwined and completed in their counterparts. This entanglement of different forms, colours, hues and textures speaks to the co-dependant processes of various phenomena in nature – the coupling of different forces, acts, pulses, patterns and rhythms which ultimately result in the birth of something new. By focusing on the intersection of different elements within the work as much as the separate elements themselves, that animating, creative energy which one might refer to as ‘chi’ or ‘spirit’ becomes pre-eminent, pointing to a unity amongst everything in frame. As the Chinese Buddhist mystic Tsung Ping stated in his Preface on landscape painting: "The divine spirit is infinite; yet dwells in forms and inspires likeness; and thus, truth enters into forms and signs."

Looking Glass, 2021  

ink, gouache and earth pigments  

56 x 76 mm
