Meijuan Zhang

Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art)

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Time and Change

In my practice I employ different materials to create large scale paintings and a range of sculptural forms.  As repetition is a very important part of my daily routine, my works are created through the repetition of patterns and lines through time as an integral part of my journey. They also reference women’s domestic work of knitting and embroidery, often invisible and mostly unpaid.   

I used threads and glue to create large scale forms that reference landscape. Glue binds the threads, rendering them more visible over the sculptural form made from bird-wire. These forms will slowly change over time, reflecting the symbolism of female bodies that change through pregnancy and birth. 

The installation of both the thread painting and sculptural forms in the middle of the room ensures that cast light from the window catches the forms and creates intricate moving shadows that are intended to invite viewers to walk amongst the forms and become immersed. As time slowly passes, the light and shadows will change and the thread painting and form of the sculpture will slowly change too.  

The intention of these paintings and sculptures is to echo women’s unseen work, a factor in gender inequality through the ages. My concept is Time and Change, as time moves and everything changes.  

Time and Change 1, 2021  

wire, thread, wood, stockings  

150 x 90 x 40 mm

Time and change 2, 2021  

thread and glue  

2200 x 1500 mm

Time and Change 3, 2021  

thread and glue  

2200 x 1500 mm

Time and Change 4, 2021  

thread, glue, wood and steel  

1500 x 2200 mm

Time and Change 5, 2021  

mixed media

dimensions variable

Time and change 6, 2021  

mixed media

dimensions variable

Time and Change 7, 2021  

thread and glue  

1500 x 2200 mm

Time and change 8, 2021  

thread and glue  

800 x 500 mm
