Meat Lumps Art

Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art)

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As humans invent new ways to try and break out of our casting and starring roles, our creations and technological advancements are laughable compared to the universe's almighty power. This collection aims not to present humankind as the protagonist of the narrative, or even antagonist, but simply as the background characters. Natural order fulfils its terrifyingly riveting character arc. I’ve been watching a lot of movies these past two years, as many others have as well. My collection reflects different genres of narrative and film, sci-fi being heavily included. It aims to deconstruct the illicit binaries that mankind tries to force onto the universe in order to make meaning of its chaotic plot. I've taken some Christian iconography: heaven and hell; dark and light; good and bad, and placed them in surreal contexts which naturally blur the lines of these binaries. Ethereal alien imagery makes this series a dreamy spectacle.

Untitled, 2021  

oil on canvas  

400 x 500 mm

Untitled, 2021  

acrylic/watercolour on canvas  

305 x 405 mm

Untitled, 2021  

oil on canvas board  

410 x 305 mm

Untitled, 2021  

oil on canvas  

400 x 500 mm

Untitled, 2021  

acrylic on canvas  

200 x 200 mm

Untitled, 2021  

oil on canvas  

455 x 610 mm

Untitled, 2021  

acrylic on canvas  

200 x 200 mm

Untitled, 2020  

oil on canvas paper  

210 x 297 mm
