Lara Moisi

Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art)

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I have always been interested in landscapes and the many different ways there are of depicting them. Looking at artists from various periods I have found a particular attraction to the romantic period. I take inspiration from these works as well as found images of nature and my imagination. Through my exploration of works by romantic-style artists I have studied forms of nature and discovered an interest in ruins. I have been investigating the connection between nature and ruins, looking at the stories they tell. In my works I have endeavoured to depict atmosphere in my landscapes. With the use of acrylic paint I have been able to create crisp lines and bold images. My works envelope the viewer with their large scale and invoke a sense of abstraction. From my explorations of nature and ruins I have looked at their forms and developed my images to read as both landscape and abstract paintings.

Oceans Blue, 2021  

acrylic paint on canvas  

1200 x 1000 x 20 mm

Clouds Red, 2021  

acrylic paint on canvas  

610 x 610 x 40 mm

Ruins Yellow, 2021  

acrylic paint on canvas  

1830 x 610 x 40 mm