Kathryn Ruddick

Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art)

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Moments in Time

I am in a nature journaling class focusing on birds. I spend days creating a portrait of a wedge tailed eagle. Drawing fine detail in coloured pencil like I’ve never drawn before.

I am on the edge of the Northern Grampians National Park, walking the perimeter fence of my brother’s farm. I hear a distinct cry – the wedge tailed eagle. I follow the sound. Slowly. Pausing to listen and locate. Listen again, take a dozen more steps.

I am under the tree, gazing up to where the gigantic bird is calling to its mate. Or had it been calling to me? Letting me know it was here, letting me know where to look. How to see, how to listen.

My roll of paper hangs along the corridor; 11 metres of brown and green ink splotches with rock-salt resistance. I’m standing looking, contemplating and I turn to the person next to me and say, “This painting needs a great big wedge tailed eagle, really big, wings spanning across the whole width of the roll.”

I am standing on the concrete southern bank of the Yarra River where the historic Queens Bridge crosses over from the city. I’m gazing down at the basalt rock that is mostly submerged in the murky water. The basalt rock, the last remnant of a rock ledge that was dynamited in 1883. The rock ledge that was the waterfall.

Journey of a River, 2021  

watercolour, ink, crayon and pencil on paper  

1500 x 11000 mm

Journey of a River, 2021  

watercolour, ink, crayon and pencil on paper  

1500 x 11000 mm

Hooded Plovers, 2021  

corrugated cardboard, wire and hot glue  

140 x 170 x 40 mm

Artists' Books, 2021  

paper, cardboard, book fabric, canvas, ribbon

dimensions variable 

Series of Six Pamphlet Stitch Zines in a box, 2021  

card, paper, watercolour, paint marker and embroidery thread  

155 x 145 x 40 mm

Made in Webflow