Sophia Koot

Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art)

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Man-Made Mycelium

Man-Made Mycelium is series of sculptural neckpieces made from recycled and repurposed plastic produce bags. The material and scale of the neckpieces make them versatile, allowing them to adorn the body and be utilised for installation purposes. This body of work draws upon an abstract representation of the fungal root network, mycelium.

In this body of work I reference fungi because of its significant role in the natural world, allowing me to explore the issue of plastic pollution. I chose to focus on fungi as it’s role is as a recycling organism in nature, decomposing dead matter, transferring the nutrients back into the soil to aid new growth – creating an environment which doesn’t generate waste. Unlike fungi, we have not been successful in achieving such a lifecycle for the materials we have fabricated, resulting in excessive amounts in our environment. We must keep developing ways to manufacture sustainable materials, repurpose and recycling plastics which have already been produced.

By adopting various processes such as ironing and sewing I have adopted a similar role to fungi. By revitalising plastic produce bags I have been able to transform them into a unique material allowing me to make new forms to create my neckpieces. All three works balance simplicity and texture, and by keeping the colour neutral I again draw parallels to mycelium, which is white in appearance. Being uncoloured also means it doesn’t conflict with the intricate patterns within the material.

Man-Made Mycelium 1., 2021  
plastic produce bags  
20200 x 30 mm

Man-Made Mycelium 2., 2021  
plastic produce bags, aluminium wire, spray paint, thread,  
48500 x 40 mm

Man-Made Mycelium 3., 2021
plastic produce bags  
12000 x 3500 mm
