Lintong Wu

Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art)

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Wandering in my mind

My work builds a bridge connecting my very intimate imagination and my corporeal reality. This work acts as a celebration, a reminder and an encouragement to the realisation that acknowledging pain, anxiety or struggle is not a weakness. The urge to feel ‘okay’ again pushed me and one day I fell off the edge of emotions, and at the bottom waiting was all my negative feelings.

Covid-19 has allowed me time to slow down and breath. I returned home to my family and used this time to focus on my well-being. My making process allowed me to calm my mind through repetitive motions of crocheting and my body slowly mellowed. I start from one string of metal wire, and I build physical objects stitch-by-stitch to mirror the ethereal forms from my inner imagination. I create a land of peace; a magical world has gradually formed after I reached a state of calm through meditation.

Spindrift, 2021

crochet with copper wire, copper ring

12 x 12 x 10cm

Bloom, 2021

crochet with copper wire, copper ring

40 x 35 x 20 cm

Tinker, 2021

crochet with copper wire

9 x 9 x 15cm

Wandering in My Mind, 2021
