I have been producing artworks with motifs of buildings, nature and human figures in both realistic and abstract forms. My interest lies in media like graphite, oil and especially watercolour. I enjoy making life drawings but my inspirations are usually from photographs and their associated memories. I mostly work in small scale so the details and delicacy of the things around me could be easily recorded. In ALBUM (2021), I am investigating the materiality of paint by using the window view from my apartment as references over different times but simultaneously without being constrained. I am currently experimenting on various ways to interpret my impressions and emotions of things that I have experienced and seen. I specifically explore how to establish the airy, peaceful atmosphere in my series. My intention is to leave emptiness and create expanse between my work and reality. I am structuring a way for the audience to think and explore in the blanks with infinite imagination.
ALBUM 2021: Paintings and Sections of the Daily
16 October 7:59 pm
1 September 4:33 pm
21 June 7:38 am
7 August 3:13 pm
7 June 5:21 pm
15 July 4:13 pm