Loz Coyle

Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art)

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My recent body of work has centred heavily around myself by way of self portraiture, particularly through various lockdowns. Being isolated from everyone, the only face I had constant reference to was my own. My work is often cathartic in nature and explores my emotions relating to everything from my mental health issues to failed romances. The text that often accompanies my illustrations I use to deliver a clearer message to the viewer, often employing crude language in the hope that someone will find it humorous or relatable. Using a combination of both analogue and digital mediums I am interested in the viewer finding comfort or a sense of familiarity in the pieces I create. Creating visual depictions of shared human experiences and emotions is a running theme in my practice, especially in my recent body of work, through self portraits in graphite and digitally rendered drawings of various bags I have owned throughout my life.

Bags on Bags, 2021  

digitally rendered illustrations (series of 5) 

297 x 210 mm

Not You, But Me, 2021  

graphite on A5 paper (series of 4)  

840 x 592 mm
