Kat Yeo

Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art)

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"It is through the body that the subject can express his or her interiority, and it is through the body that he or she can receive, code and translate the inputs of the “external” world." (Elizabeth Grosz, ‘Refiguring Bodies’, Volatile Bodies, 1994, p. 51).

Experiences of the world are mediated through the body from the external to the internal. But the body is also the external vessel, a vehicle, a machine to communicate the internal, private thoughts of the mind.

Fascinated by the inquisitive nature of our interiority, my work is driven by an urge to reveal ideas and feelings of corporeality and 'being-ness'. Acknowledging the disjuncture between the body and the mind; the exterior and the interior; the material and the immaterial; the public and the private, I examine the ways in which the body is considered Other. By employing anatomy as the mode in which I explore notions of corporeality and being-ness, my work is informed by the history of anatomical studies and often makes reference to past representations to reimagine the body.

Through introspection and mirroring the individual is asked to confront the inner workings of their body and perceive their relationship to it. Through this I implore the observer to investigate and consider the complexities that lie within us.

Penetrating Vision, 2021  

polychromos pencils on paper  

297 x 420 mm

Manikin, 2021  

mirrors, working hinges, boxboard, ivory rag paper, Polychromos pencils  

170 x 565 x 20 mm

Pork Legs, 2021  

collaged digital print  

594 x 420 mm

Angus with Seasonal Fruit, 2021  

reduction linocut  

390 x 255 mm

Overturning Atrophy, 2021  

dual plate photographic etching  

280 x 960 mm